You can guarantee yourself a slot in the beta period by preordering a copy of the game. Ubisoft will also hold a closed beta for Rainbow Six Siege later on. You can sign up for a chance to get into the Rainbow Six Siege alpha here.
"We're looking for passionate testers who understand the nature of a PC Closed Alpha and are willing to work with us on making it better," the developer explained.
Ubisoft also points out the the content featured in the upcoming Rainbow Six Siege alpha represents only "a small sample of the full scope of the game." Testers may also encounter bugs and other issues. General feedback - We've been working on this game for a long time, and having fresh pairs of eyes reviewing the experience helps us figure out any problem areas we might have missed.Testing our infrastructure early will help us optimize your experience at launch. Test our server infrastructure – Strong online connection and matchmaking is crucial for operating a game as a service.It's still early enough that a lot can change. So that you can join in on the fun, and to celebrate the occasion, we are giving away 10x GOG keys for The Witcher 3 GOTY Edition. Test the core gameplay loops – Siege has reached the point in development where we need your creativity to test the game and validate the experience we've been building. Last week, season 2 of the Witcher launched on Netflix and just like when the first season came out back in 2019, we're happy to see that many of you have returned to, or started, modding The Witcher 3.Ranked in terms of priority, these are (via Ubisoft): Ubisoft is focusing on three main areas for the Rainbow Six Siege alpha.
The alpha will come to an end on April 13 at the same time in the morning. Ubisoft announced in a blog post on Friday that the testing period will officially begin on Tuesday, April 7 starting at 7 AM PDT / 10 AM EDT. The Rainbow Siege Siege PC closed alpha is nearly here. By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's